Hire LMIA Exempt International Workers.

Interview and hire qualified international candidates who can be brought to Canada without having to do an LMIA.

We hear it everyday. The LMIA is long, costly and requires way too much effort. As well, finding qualified and motivated candidates is difficult.

With BoroZoro, the process of hiring international candidates is exactly the opposite. You tell us what you need. A registered foreign recruiter from our team will quickly send you qualified candidates from our worldwide network. All you have to do is interview and select candidates, and then a licensed immigration consultant from our team will assist the candidates with their work permits. Fast, Simple and Easy.

As well, if you have an existing LMIA, we can asssist you by using our worlwide network of qualified and motivated candidates to fill your LMIA positions.

BoroZoro is based in Canada and run by lawyers, with a team of Canadian registered foreign recruiters and licensed immigration consultants to ensure a smooth process and to protect employers.

Describe what you need below or email us at contact@borozoro.com

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